Troubleshooting Login Problems

Account Creation Timeline


System Name / Type When Access is Provided How Credentials are Provided
Most systems (Library, Microsoft One Drive, Campus Computers, Sakai, Email, Portal) Within 24 hours of acceptance to the university. Via email to their personal email address.
Zoom Within 48 hours of acceptance to the university. No contact – uses single sign-on.
MyWCOnline (Academic Support virtual appointments) Students self-register for access to this platform. Account issues should be referred to Via MyWCOnline website. Students register and manage their own credentials. (for virtual appointments only)



System Name / Type When Access is Provided How Credentials are Provided
Most systems (Library, Microsoft One Drive, Campus Computers, Sakai, Email, Portal) Within 24 hours of acceptance to the university. Via email to their personal email address.
Zoom Within 48 hours of acceptance to the university. No contact – uses single sign-on.
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