General FAQs

What does my login information provide access to?

1.  Login credentials provide access to the following platforms and services. For example, the same username and password used to login to Johnson University eMail is used to login to Sakai.

  • Johnson University eMail via Microsoft365 and the Microsoft365 suite of tools (including Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Teams, Excel, OneNote, and more)
  • The Portal or Student Portal (access to registration, student course schedule, financial aid information and links, work study information and transcripts)
  • University Bookstore via eCampus (primary location for identifying and purchase of course texts and additional resource) – sign in via school account
  • Sakai (Learning Management System like Canvas, D2L or Blackboard)
  • Johnson University library and electronic databases (includes access to library catalog, A-Z databases, subject guides and tutorials, FAQs and OneSearch)
  • Zoom (used in some courses and settings for class or study sessions, meetings or course presentations)
  • Campus Computers in Computer Labs and Classrooms (both PC and Mac)

2.  Login credentials for Academic Support Coaching Sessions, Academic Advising or Test Proctoring is provided through WCOnline. Academic Support is available online via appointment at the following listed site:

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